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Why do people call Lean efforts a journey?

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on May 31, 2023

Lean FAQ

Why do people call Lean efforts a journey?

Lean FAQ Answer

One of the things you will learn about Lean as you get more experienced at it is that you are never done. There are always more improvements to be made, new tools to be learned or created, and new skills to develop.

So, when people call it something like a transformation or implementation, it implies that there is an end to it.

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The term “journey” tends to put more emphasis on the travel than on the destination.

It also places a greater importance on the methods you use along the way. When you say “journey”, there is an implication of adventure. There are unexpected barriers and obstacles and course adjustments along the way.

More importantly, on a journey, you gain experience and learn. That is an important part of building a Lean culture. You have to learn along the way from both your successes and your failures.


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