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Do we need a consultant to become Lean?

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on October 18, 2020

Lean FAQ Answer

The short answer is no, but it helps. Of course, like anything, the consultant you choose has to be an effective one. But assuming that is the case, a consultant brings a lot of value to the table. He or she has seen a lot, both good and bad. That experience can be extremely beneficial to shorten your learning curve.

The consultant has likely honed his or her craft over the years, and can come up with a good development plan to guide you on your Lean journey. In addition, the consultant probably comes armed with a wealth of forms, tools, and training, or knowledge of where to get what you need.

There is also a significant Hawthorne Effect that a consultant creates. People seem to pay attention to who is saying something as much as what is being said. In short, employees will likely listen more closely to what a consultant is saying than to what an engineer is saying. There also seems to be a bigger drive for action when the information is paid for.

Finally, you can find a varying level of consultant support now. For example, we offer remote consulting, and can answer quick questions with a minimal investment in time or money. Consulting is no longer an all or nothing commitment.

That said, a consultant is less essential now than even as short as a decade ago. There are a few reasons for this.

  1. More people have Lean experience. Many companies have expertise within their ranks or can easily hire a person with significant skill in the improvement arts. Of course, this can take time to stock the ranks with talent.
  2. More knowledge is available than ever. Velaction provides a good example of that. We offer loads of great continuous improvement on our main site and on YouTube. We are by no means the only ones doing this. Most basic information you will need is just a quick search engine query away. Some content will be free, but you should expect to pay for the best materials.
  3. Technology has advanced, and there are many ways to get answers. Facebook and forums provide great ways to ask questions. You can get some great information, but it can, on occasion, be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Mentors vs. Consultants

An alternative to a consultant is a good mentor. They can help coach you and keep you on the right track. It is easier than ever to find one with tools like LinkedIn. The downside is that the mentor is probably busier than you are, and his or her availability will likely be limited.

One of the biggest drawbacks to not using a consultant, though is that you don’t know what you don’t know. A consultant does. Going it alone can severely limit your progress.

When to Use Consultants

Consultants are good in several specific situations.

  • When you are just getting started
  • When you need to learn a new topic
  • When your progress is slower than desired
  • When you need a “kick in the pants” to build momentum
  • When you are developing a strategy the first few times
  • When you want to do a periodic assessment with a fresh set of eyes

So, bottom line, if you can afford a good consultant, it is a great investment. If you can’t, you’ll still be able to get some solid gains, but it might take extra effort and some rework as you battle up the learning curve.

One thing to watch out for, though. Don’t hitch yourself to a consultant you won’t be able to disentangle yourself from. Make sure there is an exit strategy. That means you should not be using any proprietary materials that the consultant won’t share with you, whether included in your fees or at a reasonable cost. You don’t want to have to start over on anything when you graduate to working on your own. If your consultant balks at this, that means they want to trap you into a relationship.

I put that warning in here because it is important to hire a consultant that wants you to become self-sufficient. They may guide you towards increasingly complicated support, but as you progress, you should be taking on more of what the consultant had been doing for you.


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