> Continuous Improvement Strategies

Continuous Improvement, By Definition, Is Never Done

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on September 11, 2019

People like closure, so the thought of taking on something with no end can be a major challenge. Continuous improvement can create a mental hurdle that people must clear in order to fully commit to the idea that the achievements of today won’t be good enough tomorrow.


Continuous improvement, by definition, is never finished.

How this affects you

Many people thrive on a sense of completion, and they struggle with the idea that something is never ending. How much would you enjoy the Olympic Games if they went on forever and never had clear winners?

Action to Take

Pick small milestones that you can shoot for along the way.

BONUS: Why This Works

Most of the meat in this strategy is in this section; one sentence seemed a bit short for the registered users’ section.

Sometimes, it is easier to look at only the next task you have to do—rather than all the projects you know are looming beyond the horizon.

Joggers understand this. One strategy they use when running up a big hill is to pick a point a little ways ahead and run to it, then pick another point and run to it, and so on.

In much the same way, you can break a daunting goal into a series of smaller targets that are more manageable. A series of two or three percent gains somehow seems easier to achieve than a ten percent improvement. These bite-sized chunks of work keep you moving forward without feeling overwhelmed.

Why this works

The Why this Works section is only available in print copies of Whaddaya Mean I Gotta Be Lean?


Chris Paulsen · April 4, 2011 at 10:31 am

This sense of a never ending quest for improvement can bring out comments like “they always want more” or “it’s never good enough.” Picking milestones can help motivate both the Leader and the Team and keep the progress on track. Celebrating the success as you pass those milestones will show the Team that you appreciate them and their hard work.

    Jeff Hajek · April 5, 2011 at 6:32 am

    You can also work on managing the pace. Continuous improvement should not be brutal–just constant. String leaders plan for the workload associated with projects, and staff accordingly.
    People get on board with challenging goals more when they think they have the resources to reach them.

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