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Assignable Cause

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on December 22, 2020

An assignable cause is a type of variation in which a specific activity or event can be linked to inconsistency in a system. In effect, it is a special cause that has been identified.

As a refresher, common cause variation is the natural fluctuation within a system. It comes from the inherent randomness in the world. The impact of this form of variation can be predicted by statistical means. Special cause variation, on the other hand, falls outside of statistical expectations. They show up as outliers in the data.

Lean Terms Discussion

Variation is the bane of continuous improvement. It decreases productivity and increases lead time. It makes it harder to manage processes.

While we can do something about common cause variation, typically there is far more bang for the buck by attacking special causes. Reducing common cause variation, for example, might require replacing a machine to eliminate a few seconds of variation in cutting time. A special cause variation on the same machine might be the result of weld spatter from a previous process. The irregularities in a surface might make a part fit into a fixture incorrectly and require some time-consuming rework. Common causes tend to be systemic and require large overhauls. Special causes tend to be more isolated to a single process step.

The first step in removing special causes is identifying them. In effect, you turn them into assignable causes. Once a source of variation is identified, it simply becomes a matter of devoting resources to resolve the problem.

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Lean Terms Leader Notes

One of the problems with continuous improvement is that the language can be murky at times. You may find that some people use special causes and assignable causes interchangeably. Special cause is a far more common term, though.

I prefer assignable cause, as it creates an important mental distinction. It implies that you…

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