> Continuous Improvement Strategies

You Don’t Know Where the Company Is Headed.

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on September 11, 2019

Sometimes taking the scenic route is fun. But not when your livelihood and financial future are at stake. People feel much more comfortable when they know that their bosses have a plan, and employees know what that plan is.


You don’t know where the company is headed.

How this affects you

Imagine boarding a plane and hearing the pilot ask, “Does anyone know where we are going today?” These words, from someone who is supposed to be in charge, would instill fear. Most people like to think that their boss has a clear destination in mind.

Action to Take

Ask your manager about the company’s objectives, and what your team’s role will be. Consider requesting a copy of your group’s value stream map. This will give you a sense of where your process fits into the scheme of things.

Why this works

The Why this Works section is only available in print copies of Whaddaya Mean I Gotta Be Lean?


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