Process Evaluations

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on March 19, 2019

Want a Second Opinion? Use Our Process Evaluations.

The old saying goes, two heads are better than one. Nowhere is this truer than in continuous improvement.

Use our Process Evaluation service to get a second set of eyes on your operation. Simply send us a video recording of your process, and we will return you a report full of the improvement ideas we identify.

Let us help you get the most out of your continuous improvement resources.

What’s the Benefit?

There are two main reasons to use our Process Evaluation services.

The first is for the company. More (and better) improvements, plain and simple, means more profit.

The second is for you. Our services help managers personally. We save you time and help make your job easier. Here’s what we do…

We help you get more out of your kaizen blitzes.

When you gather up a group of people for a kaizen, the cost can be substantial: the salaries of the people on the team, lost productivity, overtime, and don’t forget all the leadership time that goes into planning and managing an event.

Your team will, of course, come up with some great ideas, but why not stack the deck in your favor? Get a list of ideas to add to the results of the team’s brainstorming sessions.

We help you prioritize your options.

Having trouble picking a process to work on first? Use our Process Evaluation to see which one of your options has the most potential for improvement.

We help you convince your team.

Hearing something from an outsider often carries more weight than hearing it from you. Want to convince your team of the inefficiency in a process and the need for change? Show them the results of our Process Evaluation.

We help you make a daily improvement list.

You won’t always have a kaizen week scheduled on the calendar. Instead, use our Process Evaluation to create a list of daily improvements your team can work on.

We help you finish the projects you don’t have time for.

As a company leader, you are busy. You can’t get to all the work on your plate.

Why not get some help? You probably have a process or two (or more) that you know can work better, but just can’t find the time to look it over. Let us help.

The Bottom Line Impact.

A single person process, without overtime, runs for over 1800 hours a year (1837.5 using my assumptions—7.5 hours per day, 245 days a year).

At $20 per hour, productivity gains alone make this service worth it. Each percent gain knocks off $368 per year. Every year. These gains keep paying dividends year after year and provide a foundation for further improvement.

And that doesn’t even count the other benefits of making improvements: quality, safety, morale, job satisfaction, lead time, and customer satisfaction.

And if the process is done by multiple people, or has been frequently stopping an assembly line, the benefit of the improvements is even greater.

How Do the Process Evaluations Work?

1.  Send us a video of your process on DVD or MPEG file.

2.  We review the video and identify areas where we think you can shave time off of your process.

3.  We email you a report with sketches (they get the point across as well as fancy graphics, but don’t use up nearly as much consulting time) and specific guidance on what you can do to improve your process.

Where Do Process Evaluations Work Best?

Reviewing processes on video, as great of a tool as it is for your bag of tricks, does have some limitations.

It works best for the following processes.

Highly repetitive processes.

Longer processes take longer to evaluate, and need more improvement to get the same percent gain as a shorter process. Our Process Evaluation service works best with processes up to about 20 minutes.

Manual processes.

Automatic processes have a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on that is hard to catch on video. Capturing people’s motion is where video really shines.

Macro work.

Fine motor work, like placing components on a circuit board at a workbench don’t show up well on video. Hands obscure what is happening. The Process Evaluation works best when the components and workspace are more observable.

How to get started.

Look at our Remote Consulting page to learn how to set up an account, and then contact us at to start a project.

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