A3 Process

The A3 process is a methodology for getting to the root cause of a problem and addressing it in a way that will permanently eliminate it. Following the A3 process entails a large amount of back-and-forth between managers and their teams. For that reason, the A3 process is well-matched to Read more…

A3 Problem Solving

A3 Problem Solving

A3 problem solving is a structured approach to resolving problems. It was popularized by Toyota but is now in widespread use. A3 problem solving is hard to replicate because it requires discipline to use it and persistence to go through the iterative steps of coming up with a resolution. It Read more…

A3 Thinking and PDCA

A3 Management

A3 management is a structured way of running a business. A3 management focuses on using a scientific approach to problem solving that creates a learning organization. The key to A3 management is that there must be management problem solving processes in place. This means that there is a specific way Read more…

A3 Thinking is Improved by an A3 Template

A3 Report

The A3 report is the communication medium of A3 management. The A3 report takes its name from the size of the paper, “A3” or 11 x 17 inch, that it is generally written or printed on. The large size of the A3 report lets users see, at a glance, a Read more…

Jidoka Automatic Loom with Jidoka


The most common definition of jidoka is “autonomation”. It is Japanese in origin, as are many specialized words in Lean. The term traces its roots back to the early 1900’s at Toyota in Japan, then a textile manufacturing company. Sakichi Toyoda, an inventor and the founder of Toyota, developed a Read more…