Check Sheet

Check Sheets are a means of tallying data. They are generally kept at the point of data collection, and every time a particular incident happens, a check is placed in the appropriate box. In many cases, the check sheet will be broken down into a grid. The columns most often Read more…

Batch and Queue

In traditional manufacturing, there is a tendency to run large lots, or batches. This occurs for a variety of reasons—large distances between processes, long setup times, or simply poor processes. When the batch is transferred to the downstream process, it sits in line. That is the ‘queuing’ part of batch Read more…

Jidoka Automatic Loom with Jidoka


Autonomation is automation with a human touch. It essentially means that an automated machine has the built-in intelligence to identify when there is a problem, shut itself off, and signal the operator. This action prevents the machine from damaging itself or from producing more bad parts. See Also: Jidoka