> Continuous Improvement Strategies

Your boss doesn’t always follow up on promises.

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on September 11, 2019

Part of developing trust between bosses and employees is doing what you say you will do. Employees tend to do this well. There is only one manager to follow up with in most cases, and there is also risk to a career if lack of follow-up is a pervasive problem. Managers, on the other hand, typically have many people they are committing actions to, both up and down the chain of command. They also have obligations to their bosses, which tend to be prioritized, rightly or wrongly, above those they make to their team.


Your boss doesn’t always follow up on promises.

How this affects you

You are expected to do what you say. When your boss agrees to something, it is only fair, then, that she should have to deliver on her word as well. Relationships with bosses and trust in managers are big components of job satisfaction. Broken promises erode this relationship and cause resentment.

Action to Take

Keep your boss honest. She may tell you something in passing but then never follow up on it. When she said it, she no doubt meant it; however, on the way back to her desk, she may have had a dozen other problems brought to her attention. As she dealt with pressing matters, your task unintentionally got pushed to the back of her mind. Help her out. First of all, when she says she’ll do something, ask her when—bosses give you deadlines, so isn’t turnabout fair play? Second, put your understanding in writing by sending a thank you (reminder) e-mail: “I appreciate your offer to help look into training projects for me. I look forward to hearing which ones I can choose from next week.” Follow up again if you don’t hear back.

Why this works

The Why this Works section is only available in print copies of Whaddaya Mean I Gotta Be Lean?


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