If You Did Not Receive Your Confirmation Email…

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on February 28, 2019

If you did not receive an email with a confirmation link…

  1. Please check your spam folder. If your confirmation message ended up here, just click the link. Your content message will come from a different email address, so there is no need to white list this address.
  2. Add us to your white list/contacts. If you cannot find the confirmation message, please add us to your white list and/or address book and then try to sign up again. You may have to contact IT support if you are using a company account. The confirmation message will come from 364415@mcssl.com, but will show up in the sender info as “364415@mcssl.com on behalf of Velaction Continuous Improvement LLC <info@velaction.com>”.
  3. Reconsider using Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, or other free services. They sometimes have delays or don’t let emails from services such as ours through at all. If you have trouble using one of these email providers, please try with a different email. We can do little about this problem.
  4. Try re-subscribing. While our service boasts a 99%+ delivery rate, that means some of you will have a message go undelivered. If that is the case, simply resubmitting your request can do the trick.
  5. Try a different email. If you have tried troubleshooting and still can’t get our messages, the path of least resistance may be to simply try a different email address. Different systems use different tools to manage spam. While we may be inadvertently caught up in one, we will probably not be caught up in another.
  6. You may have already downloaded. We’ve been around a while. There’s a chance you subscribed a while back and forgot about it. If you received your content message, you should be good to go, as you only need to confirm once.


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