> Continuous Improvement Strategies

You worry that the bar is set too high.

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on September 11, 2019

The concept of continuous improvement is that there is always an opportunity to get better. Sometimes, though, team members question how much better they can get. The truth is that Lean is not a magic drug that can cure everything about a company instantly. It takes work, and commitment, and a lot of effort.

But in many cases, people can accomplish far more than they think that they can.


You worry that the bar is set too high.

How this affects you

Stress rises when your Lean job seems impossible. You may worry because you just don’t see how things can possibly turn out right, or you may be angry because of the load your boss is putting on you.

Action to Take

The "Can't Jar"

Avoid saying “can’t” at all costs! It is a positively negative word. When you get the urge to say “can’t,” think of why you believe that it can’t work. It is most likely because you don’t know something—not because it really can’t be done.

Some kaizen teams even go so far as to set up a “Can’t Jar,” where naysayers have to drop a quarter in every time they say this particular four-letter word.

Why this works

The Why this Works section is only available in print copies of Whaddaya Mean I Gotta Be Lean?


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